MARL (Mobility, Autonomy, Robotics and Logistics) provides hands-on accelerator services for startups operating in the Deep Tech space. In the simplest of terms, we’re a dedicated team of experienced founders committed to helping you successfully launch your startup into the future.

Incubators and accelerators are often regarded as interchangeable. However, there is a distinct difference between the two.


An incubator’s goal is to prevent external forces from destroying a company. Rather than accelerating a business, they provide a stable environment to incubate your idea. They build the foundations in which a company can grow by providing office space, discounted services, Wi-Fi and much more.


An accelerator’s mission is to increase the speed in which a company develops. Instead of building walls, they provide an accelerant. This includes an investment of capital (usually the first cheque) and connections to mentors, follow-on investors and enterprise customers.

We organize our process in multiple steps spanning over an average of two to three weeks. The first step is reviewing the application questionnaire filled on our website. We recommend including a pitch deck as it helps us get a holistic Our accelerator is backed by the MARL Venture fund. Our Fund LP’s include VCs, Family offices and high net worth individuals.

picture of your startup. We then organize a first introduction meeting, to introduce ourselves, start diligence and discuss how we can help you with your current startup goals. After this, we conduct two subsequent interviews, a business plan due diligence with our managing partners, and a technical due diligence with a demo and our technology expert. Once this process is complete, we make a final decision.

The program is 12 weeks long and includes two weekly workshops on Mondays and Wednesdays, 1-1 dedicated mentoring sessions every week (1 hour), investor calls and Demo Day at the end of the program.

Our cohorts run twice a year (Fall and Spring) online. Our 3-month program includes mentorship, networking, fundraising, go-to-market, beta, pilot, and legal sessions. For more information, please refer to our Program page.

Yes! While the sessions and weekly mentoring end after the 12 weeks of the program, our commitment to your success does not end there. We continue to support our founders with mentoring and access to our network for as long as we are needed.

There are two cohorts running per year, in Spring and in Fall. The Spring cohort starts in March, and the Fall cohort starts in August. Applications to upcoming cohorts start three months before the start of that cohort.

We recommend setting aside between 6 to 8 hours a week for the duration of the program.

The funds provided by MARL are to be used specifically for product development (R&D), customer development and hiring in an effort to attain the KPI of $15-20k in MRR minimum by completion of the program.

We provide an immense amount of value to our cohort companies. We’ve created fair and reasonable terms that we do NOT negotiate. As of now, we offer our investments for 5% of equity in a company.

No, we do not require founders to relocate to the SF Bay Area. The program is entirely virtual, however Demo Day will be held in the San Francisco Bay Area, and attendance in person is mandatory for founders, travel restrictions permitting. However, we may make an exception in certain cases.

If you have any further questions, Please inquire by emailing us at